Saturday, October 16, 2010

Clean Attempt - Day 19 of 365


We were driving our way from Las Vegas to the Grand Canyon.  I was sitting in the back seat with Uncle Pete and my brother, Christian.  Pete sneaked a Twinkie from out of his bag, which sat neatly beside him.  It was so terribly hot in the car the insides of the Twinkie began to melt.  Within seconds, the once neatly contained cream filled Twinkie seemed to explode and find itself all over Pete.  After shoving the Twinkie in his mouth to put a stop to the leakage, he realized there was a BIG mess to clean up.  The look of panic he gave when he couldn't find napkins was priceless!  Christian and I were in tears, each bent over laughing our stomachs into a cramp fest!  Pete ever so casually grabbed his little bottle of Purell and like a pro, gave his hands a squirt.  Chrish and I looked at each other and asked "What is he doing?"

Pete went onto mix the Twinkie cream with the Purell as if he had done it before with great success.    Pete slapped his hands together and smiled like he just made the Great Wall of China magically disappear.  He put the Purell away and gave us kids a thumbs up ( a common gesture he would use when he was content ) I never asked him, but I'm almost sure his hands were sticky for the rest of the drive!!!!


Today, the family and I decided to take the dogs out for a festive fall walk in the ever so perfect Celebration Community.  We sat down to have lunch and take in the seasonal decor.  Misty (my parent's new  8 month old Weimaraner ) enjoyed a long drink of water then tossed her head up in my direction.  Before I knew it, I was covered in puppy drool!   My drool covered napkin wasn't going to cut it, so Christian handed me a little bottle of Purell.  Even though I desperately needed a napkin, I thought of Pete and gave my hands a squirt.  I laughed to myself as I vigorously rubbed my hands together.  If anything, Pete taught me how to kill bacteria .... not so much clean up a mess ;-)


I learned that Purell was my Uncle's Windex.  It cleaned up his messes in life and on certain occasions like the one above, it offered a show of humorous entertainment.

Next time you are at the store, grab a travel size bottle of Purell.  When life gets messy, give your hands a squirt, think of Pete and enjoy the feeling of a fresh start wether the mess is gone or not!  I promise it'll make you laugh, making the mess not nearly as difficult to handle.

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