Monday, October 4, 2010

"Jenny and Uncle Pete ......" Day 7 of 365


Being the niece of Uncle Pete didn't come without some spoiling!  I remember as a kid, Uncle Pete taking me to the mall for mini shopping sprees.  Yah ..... if you didn't figure it out, I'm the one who got spoiled!  We would walk into a store ( I ran, he did the walking ) I would fall in love with a toy in the front of the store, go to the far back, and find something else that tickled my fancy.  I would stand there with big puppy eyes, pout my bottom lip and say with a sweet little voice " But Uncle Pete .... I like them both"He would laugh, pick me up and say "Anything for my Jenny"while whisking me and my new treasures up to the register.

I can only remember maybe one or two items Peter had bought for me over the years.  There was one gift I will never forget.   His SONGS!   Pete liked to create his own songs while going about his days.  One of his famous ones (within our family) was  titled "Jenny and Uncle Pete"  It was our shopping song.  Went a little something like this ...... "Jenny and Uncle Pete ..... standing on our feet, and we're walking walking tall .....  in the Florida, the Florida ...... Maaaalllllll"  It  still makes me laugh to think of all the crazy variations we created together.

Mom and Dad didn't like all the spoiling Pete did, but he never stopped.  As I grew older toys turned into clothes, clothes turned into makeup and makeup into money.  As I began to make my own income, he would spoil me in other ways.  The shopping sprees started to fade out but the spoiling NEVER ended.    As an adult, I was spoiled with his stories, his meals and his laughter.  It was nice to reverse the favor and take him out once in a while.  Loved Christmas time, I would always go a little over the top when it came to shopping for Pete.  We both knew "things" weren't a sign of affection, it was the reaction of the receiver that we both loved to see.


I headed out to the mall to pick up a pair of pants I so desperately needed.  When I go to the mall for things I NEED ..... it's just not the same as when you go for things you WANT.  On the way there, I drove past the Sears entrance that Pete and I use to enter through.  In the past 5 years, they have renovated the mall and built on an entire new side.  It became my new parking spot every trip to the mall so I hadn't really payed much attention to the Sears parking lot ..... until today.  I parked, turned the ignition off, and sat there for a moment in the quiet.  Memories of the mall days with my Uncle came to mind.

While on my hunt for the perfect pair of pants, I found myself humming OUR song "Jenny and Uncle Pete" as I passed all of his favorite stores.   It brought me comfort in knowing that some things will never change.  Our stores were all still open and doing well.    There I was .... Pete's shopping buddy, walking from the front to the back of stores, purchasing makeup and clothing while happily singing our song!  I think I even thought to myself in one store " But I like them both!" at which point I took out my wallet, handed them the money and walked out with a bit more than just a pair of pants!  I'm sure Pete's spirit was glowing with laughter!


Kids grow up with enough rules and regulations.   If you're an Aunt or Uncle, Grandma or Grandpa, Take the kids out once in a while, spoil them rotten, then hand em back to their parents!  Make the trip special by including them into making it a unique experience.  As they are shaped into adults,  they will remember those details which made your time together so amazing.  There are some things an Uncle and Niece are able to get away with  ...... shopping sprees and custom created songs!


  1. Great post! I love being able to spoil my nieces & nephews & then send them back to mom & dad!!! I believe it is the first law written in the laws of Uncledom. Great post!
    Great meeting you Sat. night. There is no doubt that you & Jaimee are Big bacon fans!!

  2. I remember he was so excited one year when he found the money puzzles to hide your Christmas cash in. He had a wicked sense of humor!
