Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Day Of Thanks - Day 59 of 365


Each Thanksgiving, Pete made certain dishes.  My favorite were his buttery mashed potatoes.  He made them every year, mashing his way to fluffy perfection.


This afternoon, our family sat around a beautifully decorated table to give thanks.  Mom created a fall setting fit for a pilgrim.  We had friends from out of town, food that went on for miles and love that could be felt for days.  Each dish was passed with anticipation from one person to another.  We said a prayer and quickly dug in.  The food (like always) was amazing.   Mom had conquered yet another successful Thanksgiving Day feast.  When we were done, we each got up and helped out by clearing the table.  I took stance in front of the kitchen sink preparing to do dishes.  As I was washing food away from the  plates, I noticed lumps of mashed potato slide into the drain.  I began to remember Pete's mashed potatoes.  I remembered how much he loved Thanksgiving and how much he loved his family.  I also began to remember how much I missed him.  Putting the last dish into the dishwasher, I caught sight of his urn.  Feeling his spirit as often as I do, it amazes me he is physically gone.  It's the feeling of loss and gain all mixed into one crazy emotion.


 It's within the feelings of  LOSS that I remember who Pete WAS and in the moments of GAIN I remember who Pete IS.  For this, I am thankful.

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