Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Party In Your Mouth - Day 50 of 365


Every Sunday evening came with a homemade spaghetti dinner.  Pete would make an amazing Italian salad to accompany his main course.   It was my favorite!  I always made sure to get seconds and thirds!


Getting a craving for Pete's salad, I went to the store, bought the ingredients and had one heck of a lunch.

A few hand fulls of green olives (sliced)
Campari Tomatoes (sliced)
Olive Oil
Fresh Basil
Salt, Pepper
Red Onion
Juice from 3 lemons

Toss all ingredients together for a party in your mouth!


Happy to have kept the bowl Pete served his salad in.  I used it today and was instantly taken back to the good old days of Pete's cooking.

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