Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A White Russian, Forever "Our" Drink - Day 57 of 365

Again, I got into the room past midnight!  Vegas sure has us out late!  Here is the post For Tuesday November 23rd.


White Russians.  It was "our" drink, only  drank when in each other's company.  We savored the creamy sweetness while exchanging simple observations about the current moment of bliss that we both so enjoyed.  


Occupied by flashing lights and exciting sounds, I ignored the cocktail waitress.  She shouted again " COCKTAILS"!  I peeled my eyes away from the spinning images and said "A White Russian Please".

She promptly came back with my order.  Continuing to play on a lucky streak, I took a quick sip of my drink.  It's amazing how taste can trigger memory.    I was instantly pulled back  to a place with Pete. 


I realized today, I hadn't had a White Russian since Pete and I were together.  I have to admit, it  felt a little odd to be drinking "our" drink alone.  With all that said, it will never change the fact that White Russians will forever be "our" drink and have a special meaning.  As for future White Russian drink orders, I'll order for two and drink both in memory of the good times we had, just Pete and his Jenny.

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