Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Gucci Lesson - Day 24 of 365


 It was Christmas 1985, and Pete had his eye on a beautiful Gucci purse for his mother.   Mom tells me that this was his first BIG dollar purchase for his mom and was bought from a Marshall Fields at the Oakbrook Mall in Chicago.  Once the purse was purchased, he couldn't wait to give it too her.    Who doesn't love an expensive designer bag for the holidays?

Weeks went by, excitement grew but the giver of the purse just had to wait till Christmas.  Pete had never seen his mom get to enjoy many luxuries.  All the hard work she did throughout her life went to support the family.  He thought it was finally time for her to have a gift of luxury ..... not only a beautiful purse, but a Gucci!

Christmas was here and the wait was over.  Pete handed handed her the beautifully wrapped gift.  She  slowly unwrapped it, rip by rip.  Her reaction wasn't one that would be expected.  Pete, Mom and Dad waited in anticipation for the yell of surprise, but nothing came out.  She seemed happy to have a new purse, but said nothing about the designer label.  She looked up and said with a sweet little voice" O - well thank you Peter" Grandma was a very content woman, perfectly happy with the simple things in life, the practical things ..... a purse is all she wanted ..... she didn't even notice it was a Gucci.  Poor Pete.  Mom and Dad still laugh at that story.  That day, Pete learned an expensive lesson.  Only buy designer labels for people who know what they are!

Despite the understated reaction from Grandma, she took a liking to that bag over the next 10 years.  Everyday, every occasion, that purse was with her all the time.  Labeled or not, Grandma would carry that purse with pride.  It came from her Son, and that was all that mattered.


In a rush to clean the house before having company over, I tossed a few "out of place" items in a storage cabinet near the dining room.  Grandma's Gucci seemed to grasp my sight and distract me from my chores.  I took it out and placed it on the floor.  Like a little girl,  I began exploring every nook and cranny.  I discovered that her Gucci purse was also accompanied by a Gucci wallet AND a Gucci keyring.  Inside, she had a brag book that was overloaded with pictures of me as a child.  There were also two beautiful pens, a rosary and some pictures I had drawn for her throughout my school years.  Her wallet held dozens of discount cards along with a few folded singles.  Her keyring had a key chain that stated "No. 1 Grandma"and another that held a picture of me in between herself and Uncle Pete while on a Disney vacation.


Tonight I noticed something of great importance.  Pete loved his mother dearly and believed that "The Best" deserve "The Best".  His mother was the "Gucci" in his life.  She was his carrier, his designer and the staple in his life that would always be fashionable, no matter what the season.  A Gucci was perfect for her in his eyes.

Over those years, the purse was filled with faith, love and memories.  Sadly,  now sits in my home collecting dust.  Within the next week, I plan on giving the purse a professional make over.  After it's received "The Best" treatment I can give it, I plan on using it as my new everyday purse.  A priceless reminder that a designer bag is nothing if it isn't filled with love.

Grandma would be thrilled to know her purse of practicality was being put to good use again while  Uncle Pete would be tickled that someone finally appreciated his effort in buying a designer bag!

Done and Done!!!!

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