Friday, October 29, 2010

Stillness - Day 32 of 365

Today was a day of great Enlightenment.   I was able reach a point of stillness within the present moment throughout my day and it was amazing!!!!!

 I was in my car, leaving the neighborhood, when I noticed I was coming up to a stop sign.  Upon approaching the sign, I heard the most beautiful song being sung by a bird in the tree off to my right.  For the first time in my life, I stopped at a stop sign because I wanted to, NOT  because I had to.  After I made a complete stop, I looked to my right, looked to my left and caught the view behind me.  There was no one around, so I remained stopped.  I took a deep breath of natures air, released my grip of the steering wheel and enjoyed a few rare moments of parked stillness.  


Pete lived life to it's fullest through stillness.  It wasn't uncommon to find him quiet to himself with a smile on his face.


Throughout my day, I was aware of the present moment, allowed stillness to take place and effortlessly just "was"


  It was at that stop sign, I seem to be living the life I was intended to live.  There were no thoughts about the past, nor about the future.  I was present in the NOW .... and NOW I understand.  I understand Pete's way of living , just a little bit more today than I did yesterday.

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