Monday, October 18, 2010

Good Things Come In 3's - Day 21 of 365


Feels like yesterday when Uncle Pete introduced me to the hilarious British sitcom "Fawlty Towers".   It became our little tradition for a few months until we managed to finish all 12 episodes.  We would watch episode after episode laughing out loud and quoting John Cleese, other wise known as "Basil" in the show.  It became our little "thing" together.  No one else in the family quite enjoyed the show like we did.  For years we would take out the same 12 episodes and watch them like it was the first time, laughing at the same scenes we had seen countless times before.  Pete and I were such fans of the show, we would organize a night called "Fawlty Fest".  We would watch a disc or two .... on some nights even watch the whole collection.  They were nights in front of the television I will never forget.


I had an evening off and decided to reunite myself with the characters from the show and start on disc 1, giving myself my own little "Fawlty Fest".   A feeling of uninvited  loneliness seemed to find it's way into my living room.  I had never watched Fawlty Towers without Pete until tonight.  I pressed play and began episode one.  It didn't take long for me to relax and enjoy the show.  I was laughing within the first 5 minutes.  The writing is great, but it was remembering Peter's laughter that made tonight special. During the show, Pete would let out a high noted "hoooo" just before his laugh, turn bright red with laughter, then move his glasses away to wipe the tears of delight that filled his eyes.  He would do all of this while reciting the line that just tickled him silly..... a very enjoyable sight to see and one I hope to never forget.


I look back on those good times and how simple they really were.  The comfort of a couch, the company of a loved one, and the humor of a hilarious sitcom.   3 things, that made 2 people, have 1 unforgettable night!

Next time you have a night off, reward yourself.  Surround yourself with 3 things that make you happy and enjoy!

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