Tuesday, October 12, 2010

From Cover to Cover - Day 15 of 365


Uncle Pete's devotion to books was evident.  He worked with them, read them, even had them on his Iphone for portable enjoyment.  I was always amazed at how many books he read in his lifetime.  He would casually quote masterminds following the title of the book, and was usually caught up with the newly published and stocked.  When I was a kid, I remember looking up at his bookshelf and feeling very tiny, similar to the way Alice felt in Wonderland.


I haven't finished a book in years.  In memory of Uncle Pete, I decided Thursday I would start to read a book that held my interest.  Today, during my flight home, I felt a feeling of accomplishment as I turned over my last page and read my final paragraph.  I will be volunteering for Hospice soon, so I decided to pick up a book to prepare me for what I am about to witness.  It's called "Final Gifts" a book that was both compelling and enlightening.  I found myself reliving those last hours with Pete throughout the read.  Finishing a book all the way thru not only had me remembering Pete and the story's he read, but also his final moments when he was wrapping up his own.


Reading a book, cover to cover feels great ..... but living your life book to book feels even better!

1 comment:

  1. I remember when "Tuesdays with Morrie" made the best seller list. Pete told me I had to read it - and then we had several interesting conversations about that book and what a difference one person can make in another's life. He sure made a difference in mine.
