Monday, October 25, 2010

No News is Good News - Day 28 of 365


Being a young child, I remember Pete preparing for his work day.  He would watch the morning news until his coffee was done brewing, turn the t.v off and head to the car.  He would come home, turn the t.v back on and leave it on throughout the night before heading to bed. He always knew what was happening in the world, thanks to the news channel.  He loved politics as well.  He could sit and listen to political debates for hours.  Being a child at the time, I had no interest in the news.  I never understood why Pete was drawn to this display of constant negativity and sadness.

A month after he discovered his terminal illness,  he began to detach himself from family and friends (a normal behavior for those whom are nearing death)  I found it interesting that he was still very much attached to the world outside of our family.  During this time many changes had occurred but one thing that remained the same was his want to watch the news.   This time around he wasn't watching it in preparation for work, it was in preparation to die.    While tuned in, he would tell us " Things just aren't the way they use to be, I'm okay with leaving this crazy world" The news was his way of easing the detaching process.   Although he enjoyed the pleasures that life provided for him, he knew there had to be a better place.  A place that is free from politics, hatred and gossip.   A place of eternal love, warmth and peace.


Today, I caught some of the news.  I thought about what Pete said ...... it was true.   We live in a crazy world.  There had to be a better place than this.  The news channel is where the negative seemed to always out weigh the positive. I turned off the t.v, said a prayer for the world and continued about my day.


As we use the news channel to connect to whats happening in the world, Pete was using it to disconnect.    Today, I understand why.  When one is caught up in the secular world, the news seems informative and entertaining.  When one is about to enter a new, the news is nothing but a reminder of the anguish we leave behind and the peace that lies ahead.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jennifer - I've been reading your blog and it is amazing. This particular post really touches me alot. Having lost Trent's son almost a year and half ago now, our solace is knowing that he is truly in a better place where he does not have to suffer through so much and that he has finally found the peace that he had been looking for the entire time that I knew him.

    I look forward to your posts here. Your blog is both brilliant and brave.

    We miss seeing your face!
    Michelle Haynes
