Monday, October 11, 2010

Support A Passion - Day 13 of 365

Yesterday was my first day that I was unable to write a post.  My day was loaded with work and just couldn't find a quiet moment to write before falling asleep.  I felt a large void in my day for the first time since I've begun this blog.  I allowed myself too get tangled up in the demands of my job, something that happens way to often to way to many people.  While writing this blog, I have noticed that my days are more meaningful.  Without having the moment to remember and reflect, I seemed to have lost that sense of inner peace.  Today I catch up by reflecting on yesterday.  Sorry it's late, better late than never.


 My dancing career wouldn't be what it is today without the gift of dance.  Yes, I believe I was born with some natural talent, BUT without Uncle Pete's help, my dream to be the best dancer I can be would have never come true! As I taught dance throughout the day, an act of support kept popping into my head.

 As a little girl, I spent hours among hours twirling around the house.  I would blast the best of  Michael Jackson and perform in front of an audience of stuffed animals.  Mom and Dad quickly took notice to my passion for dance and immediately enrolled me into dance classes.  They couldn't have done it without Uncle Pete.  Classes at this particular studio were pricey and my parents at the time couldn't afford the tuition.  Uncle Pete wouldn't let me go without classes and picked up the tab.  A gift that kept on giving well into my adult years.  Not only did he lend some financial assistance, but also supported me fully by attending every dance recital and ballet exam.  

A few days before he passed, I was on the road for work.  My last conversation with him was over the phone and consisted of only a few words.  Due to his condition, it was hard for him to talk but strived to communicate to his best ability.  I remember wanting to tell him so much, but I knew just moments with him on the phone was more activity than he could handle.  He was growing weaker by the hour and I had to keep it short.  There was one thing I had never told him and it seemed to be my last chance.  Breaking into tears I stated " Uncle Pete, I just wanted to thank you for all the years of dance lessons you gave me.  I am coming home soon, I love you"  I heard soft emotion from the other end in a broken voice  " Awwww, you don't have to thank me, I love you too" 

Later the next day, mom told me that after Pete and I spoke, he handed the phone to her, looked up and said "She thanked me for her dance lessons" as he let out a small grin.  She said that he lit up and seemed   touched that I would remember something from so long ago.


Uncle Pete took interest in what I did by helping with finances and being in the audience, front and center at every performance.  Throughout the weekend, I had referred some of my students to book some lessons with other fellow dance instructors at the event.  I took it upon myself to sit in on their lessons and show an interest beyond what I normally demonstrate.  It felt great to see them expand their dance knowledge by receiving new perspectives on the dance.  


  Supporting someone's passion is a powerful act of love that is never forgotten.  You never know who's life you might be changing while doing so!

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