Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Anger Management - Day 8 of 365 - Oct 5th, 2010


I had a hard day today.  Things just seemed complicated and difficult.    I thought to myself "what would Pete do?"  The only two things that made him mad were the aggravations at work and his computer not working correctly.  I remember the days he would come home frustrated.  He ripped his I.D off, plopped himself on the couch and in a funny voice yell  " I hate my life sucking job" It always made us laugh.  Our laughter is what made him forget all the stresses from work and enjoy the family that surrounded him.  He would laugh, then we would join in once we saw it wasn't anything serious.  The funny thing is that he really had a passion for his job.  He loved every moment.   Sometimes, we allow our passion to suck the life out of us .... it easy to let happen when we have so much love for what we do.   It's definitely a blessing, but making your passion a career can have run it's tolls on any person and Uncle Pete didn't hesitate to let us know!

Having just "one of those days" I threw my purse on the table, plopped on the bed and yelled "I hate my life sucking job!!!!"  I wasn't even upset about my job, but it felt good for some reason!  I got up, grabbed a good read and re focused my mind on something more positive.  As each moment passed, I was feeling better and better!

Whether its a career, relationship or a high stressed moment in your day ..... Anger Management is key!  Take it, say what you need to about it, then move onto something more positive.  Sometimes passions get smothered with the every day garbage that builds over time.  De-cluttering your passion is a good idea and if yelling "I hate my life sucking job" does the trick .......  then have at it!!!  Just refrain from yelling it to your boss!

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