Saturday, October 2, 2010

A Heart Of Gold - Day 5 of 365


After Pete's passing I remember my mom asking me " Do you want a charm that holds Pete's ashes?"  A little disturbed, I replied with "Yes..... of course".  The charm which held a small amount of his ashes was made of Gold and beautifully put together.  My maid of honor (Sister in Christ) had given me a gold chain to string this precious charm upon.  About a week after his passing, I took the necklace off, placed it in a safe place and left it to sit.  In the meantime, I would drape my neck with costume jewelry of pearls and rhinestones.  If it completed an outfit ..... I wore it!  How sad that I let materialistic things get in the way of something so sacred.  Here's the difference .... end of day ... threw my costume jewelry off, washed my face, brushed my teeth and called it a night.  The end of the day with Pete's jewelry, I would wash my face, brush my teeth, go to my bed ... remove my necklace and say a prayer.  That in itself filled my day with intent.

When I began this blog, I made a commitment to myself to wear Pete's charm for the next 365 days.  It would be a daily reminder to think of what's really important in life.  I found myself throughout the day holding the heart.  Times were I felt down or simply missing Pete.  My Uncle had a heart of gold, which is why a charm of gold was so perfect. Wearing this particular piece of jewelry wasn't out of vanity, it was simply out of honor.    It's a daily reminder that living  life thru a heart of gold is the only way to live.


Commitment to wear his charm throughout the next 365 days ..... Pete had a  heart of gold. Comforts me to know that a humanly part of him is with me at all times .... makes me feel that I'm taking care of what he left behind.


No matter what the style, if something means the world to you, wear it with pride and wear it proud!!!!!

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