Friday, November 5, 2010

Pain - Day 39 of 365


The moment's of emotional and physical pain Peter experienced when the cancer was invading his body and taking over his world.


I saw the Dr today.  Having severe neck and back spasms for the past week, I reached an unbearable point this afternoon and needed muscle relaxers asap.  As I was sitting in the waiting room, I remembered Pete and how uncomfortable he was before he was put on in home Hospice and given pain medication.  He couldn't hold anything down, not even water.  He had ongoing hiccups that would hurt and prevent him from sleeping.  He began to loose eye sight rather quickly.  He had to mourn the death of his career and distance himself from his loved ones.  The list goes on ..... and so did the pain.  All of a sudden, the sharp pain down my back became pleasantly dull as I realized there was no true comparison.


Pain is an interesting thing.  We all experience it in one capacity or another.  Within the last few weeks of Pete's life, he went through it emotionally and physically hardly ever needing to complain.  Tonight, I take my pills, and I take them in silence.  No crying, no fussing.  To complain, only creates greater pain.  Take the "L" out of the word and you have "Com-pain" !!!!

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