Sunday, November 7, 2010

No Title Needed - Day 41 of 365


Peter was more than just an Uncle.  He was a teacher, comedian and friend.  


Tonight, Erik and I had Mom and Dad over for some drinks.  As I sat in their company, It dawned on me that they are beginning to take on new titles in my life just as Pete did.  Between each sip of wine, I looked around the room and realized something, my parents were so fun to be around. The older I am getting, the more I seem to be connecting them to new titles, and honestly it feels great.  They are still "Mom" and "Dad" and I am still their baby girl, but tonight we were a tight group of friends enjoying each others company over a few drinks.  I would be lying if I didn't admit that being in their life as an adult is loads of fun!  

 I never told Peter how grateful I was for all the roles he played in my life.  The title "Uncle" was a bit of an understatement.


 It's funny how "titles" can't begin to reveal the real roles people play in your lives.  If there is someone in your world who goes beyond their given "title", share your appreciation for the awesome impact they have made.

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