Saturday, November 27, 2010

"Where's My Dinkle Darlin?" - Day 61 of 365


I would spend EVERY Thanksgiving home with the family.  That was until I began to travel to California to dance in the US OPEN.  It was both an amazing and enlightening weekend being surrounded by such talent.  As much as I found my love on the dance floor during Thanksgiving weekend, my spirit was extremely homesick.  Last year, when Pete passed, I decided to stay home with family instead of going to the Open.  This year, I also stayed home.

I remember speaking briefly with my family from the event hotel telling them how much I miss them, the food, the laughs and the pre-christmas decorating.  I would talk to each member individually, until I felt like I was somewhat a part of their Thanksgiving festivities.  Pete would come on the phone with a saddened voice. You know, the voice you hear when someone loses their dog.  He would ask "Where's my Dinkle Darlin?"  (The nickname "Dinkle Darlin" was given to me by Pete when I was a child)  Not sure why, but it followed me into my adult years.  Even though Peter knew where I was year after year, it was an indirect way of saying "What is so important that you have to miss Thanksgiving with your family?  We miss you"


Tonight is the night that I would normally be at the US OPEN.  Instead, I sit from my living room, in the comfort of my own home watching a live feed of tonight's competitions.  It's hard to watch it tonight.  Not because I miss being out of the floor, but for another reason.  I'm finally home for a holiday weekend.... and Pete isn't here.


I believe holidays are moments in our lives when time stands still.  Time that is filled with pureness.  Pure love, pure joy, pure celebration.  The working world doesn't give us many opportunities to do what we want, when we want.  Holidays give us the "excuse" we need to be with the ones we love.  Pretty sad we need an excuse to allow time to enjoy our loved ones huh?  Holidays allow us to trade in the division meetings for family gatherings.  Replace the name badge with an apron and substitute our desk for our living room.

As much as I love the US OPEN, it's sad to me that they need to hold it during a family oriented time of year.  I had put my dancing ahead of my family 3 years in a row.  If I could reverse the past and NOT have to hear Uncle Pete ask the question " Where's my Dinkle Darlin?" ....... I would.

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