Monday, November 29, 2010

Cabinet Chaos - Day 63 of 365


Like us all, Pete had his days.  He would come home from work, pull the ingredients out from the pantry and begin cooking dinner.   When Pete was having a bad day, he'd take out his aggravation on the kitchen cabinets.  We always knew when something was bugging him, we'd hear each cabinet slam as he would mumble bad words under his breath trying to find the lid to a pot.  If he was preparing a new recipe, he would take the meal off the stove, throw it on the table and say " I don't know what it is, but here it is.  If you don't like it, we can go to Mc Donalds"  He'd sit in his chair and chew his food ever so silently.  We all would quietly laugh to ourselves, as this display of anger was actually pretty funny.


Like us all, I was having that day!  Everything I seem to touch would either fall apart or go wrong.  I was preparing a new recipe ..... maybe it wasn't the best time to cook something foreign to my cookbook.  I found myself pulling "a Pete".  Cabinets were slamming, words were being mumbled and my patience was thinning.  I served Erik, threw it on the table and quoted Peter.  It was all I could to to keep from breaking a dish on the floor.  I was soooooo aggrivated with EVERYTHING!  After dinner, I decided to spend the rest of the evening sitting on the couch and taking it easy.  Pete's kitchen drama memories calmed my nerves and eased my mind.


My dish (Greek Casserole) turned out amazing!  It must have been the spice I was mumbling under my breath while slamming the cabinets!

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